QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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Your service is great and your price is unbelievable. Thank you!

Bob Lancer, Parenting Solutions

I really like the hosting setup at QTH, compared to other larger hosting providers I have used, like GoDaddy, 1&1, etc. Getting service and support from them takes forever, too, but it's speedy at QTH. Thanks!

John Elliott, Webmaster

I have a large website AND a large mailing list, all for less than $5 per month. The list and site work great with never a problem, and I never hesitate to recommend QTH.com to anyone looking for a better web hosting provider.

Jesse, Keepsake Poms

Your web services are top-notch. Thanks for the great support.

Jim Reisert, AD1C

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

SUPER prompt service, with attention to detail, while providing clear, easy to understand instructions. Highly satisfied. I could not ask for more.

James Richards

I'm writing to say how pleased I am with QTH.com's web hosting service - which has been, and continues to be, absolutely trouble free.

John - HK3C

With other hosting services, you're lucky to get a person on the phone or even an e-mail response. Not so with QTH.COM. You may have any prospective customer call me up and I will personally vouch for you. This is the way web hosting should be done!

Jay Terleski, Array Solutions

Thanks for being the greatest webguy this side of Pluto!

Gart Westerhout, Osugi Musical Theatre

Just wanted to drop you a note about your hosting service. I could not be more pleased. It works everyday, all day and the price is a bargain.

Mitch Kosofsky, W2MSK

I am very delighted to be with your hosting service. This is where I should have been from day one. Thanks for your great support.

Willis Asher